Tuesday, October 21, 2008


In David Warlick, Apple Story, The Day After… what matters to him is awareness. When he is standing in line waiting for the new MacBook Pro, he could not find any. He started introducing himself to people in line. Apparently, the lady next to him had just bought a MacBook Pro and it had just come in (but they were not on the floor). He said to himself, "Sure doesn’t look like there’s a recession on the horizon here". If there is all this talk about people not making money, then why are we buying such expensive toys? Computers are necessary; yes, but not the most expensive ones. We should limit ourselves to only the amount that we need. When we start being money savvy, then we might see ourselves start to climb out of this recession. Even though I would like to spend money on useless toys, that doesn’t mean I should. David proves a very crucial point; a year ago most of us could spend our money on luxury. Now we need to save every penny.

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